Lucy thinks her brother and sister need a padded and sound proof room. Her life would be so much more peaceful. But for now, she is loving Grandma day. Big brother and sister are at Grandma's house until tomorrow. EVERYONE is happy (Mommy misses them a little, though.) Emily's toys played "beauty and the beast" this week, Joe's toys played "Mommy and Daddy are going bye-bye and we are going to Aunt Abbie's house." So, for today, we will catch up this week and try to persevere next week. :)
I am excited to start a Christmas series on Tuesdays and Thursday, featuring DIY gift ideas, budget gifts, how to get children thinking about other people (novel concept, right?), missions thoughts, and maybe a few other things. For now, here is a starting thought. This is something our church has fully embraced, and I think its a great idea, but since we do not really go overboard, plus have the only grandkids on both sides (who are also blessed with six greatgrandma) it leaves me with a lot fo evaluate. Check out the Advent Conspiracy.
Also, putting together a list for Grandparents? Check out these not the walmart toy book catalogue ideas.
SafeMama 2008 Safer Toy Guide
Cool Mom Picks Safer Toy Guide 2008
Here are pictures of our cardboard cars-the big preschool project for the week. :) They are currently dying a slow death up in the kids room. (Maybe to be recycled into swords for fairy tale week??)
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