November 1, 2008

Tea For Kiddos

I love when my mom visits! She gets my sweeties eating things I would never think of trying to feed them. Like coconut oil just on a spoon. And tea. She got my kids hooked on tea the last time she was here. It turns out to be an economical and healthier option to juice. Yes, sometimes I add honey, but sometimes I add coconut oil, too. Anyway, it is really easy to make up a pitcher and keep it in the fridge. When someone is sick, it is pretty easy to sneak in a cold tea, or echinacea tea. Or, I found this yummy yummy Raspberry Infusion Tea at Trader Joe's. (Yes, I know the picture is backwards, but that's the way it came through photo booth and I think its pretty funny. :) It makes a delicious treat for both mommies and kiddos.

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